Постановление № 654 08.08.2009Постановление № 398 03.06.2010Постановление № 674 03.09.2010Постановление № 112 25.02.2011
Приказ МЗСР № 321н 14.04.2011Приказ МЗСР № 1221н 28.12.2010Приказ МЗСР № 706н 23.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 708н 23.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 745н 26.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 746н 26.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 747н 26.08.2010 Приказ МЗСР № 749н 26.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 750н 26.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 755н 26.08.2010 Приказ МЗСР № 756н 26.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 757н 26.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 758н 26.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 759н 26.08.2010Приказ МЗСР № 760н 26.08.2010
Chapter 10. Pharmaceutical Activity
Table of contents
Chapter 1. General Provisions (articles 1-4)Chapter 2. Powers of Federal Executive Bodies and Executive Bodies of Constituent Entities of Russian Federation with Respect to Circulation of Medicines (articles 5-6)Chapter 3. State Pharmacopeia (article 7)Chapter 4. State Control over Circulation of Medicines (articles 8-9)Chapter 5. Development, Preclinical testing of Medicines and Clinical Trials of Medicinal Products for Veterinary Use (articles 10-12)Chapter 6. Performance of State Registration of Medicinal Products (articles 13-37)Chapter 7. Clinical Trials of Medicinal Products for Medical use, Clinical Trial Contract, Rights of Patients Involved in Trials (articles 38-44)Chapter 8. Manufacture and Marking of Medicines (articles 45-46)Chapter 9. Import of Medicines into the Russian Federation and Export of Medicines from the Russian Federation (articles 47-51)Chapter 10. Pharmaceutical Activity (articles 52-58)Chapter 11. Destruction of Medicines (article 59)Chapter 12. State Regulation of Prices for Medicinal Products for Medical Use (articles 60-63)Chapter 13. Safety Monitoring of Medicinal Products Being in Circulation in the Russian Federation (articles 64-66)Chapter 14. Information on Medicinal Products (article 67)Chapter 15. Liability for Violation of Legislation of the Russian Federation for Medicines Circulation and Compensation for Harm to Human Health Caused by Administration of Med (articles 68-69)Chapter 16. Final Provisions (articles 70-71)